New monument of Roman Shukhevych was opened in Lviv Region on March 5,

Stepan Bandera (1909-1959)
Ukrainian leader Stepan Bandera who was killed by KGB in 1959.

The 240th Anniversary of the birth of Ukrainian writer Ivan Kotlyarevsky.
Ivan Kotlyarevsky was born in 1769 in Poltava, Ukraine.

The 130th Anniversary of birth of Symon Petlura.
Symon Petlura was born in 1879 in Poltava, Ukraine.

The 350th Anniversary of the victory of the forces under the command
of the hetman of Ukraine Ivan Vyhovskyi in the Battle of Konotop.
The Battle of Konotop took place on June 27-29, 1659. It was a battle fought between
the hetman of Ukraine Ivan Vyhovskyi and his allies ( 60,000 ), and the armies (140,000 ) of Russian Tsardom led by Aleksey

A monument to Hetman Ivan Mazepa (1639-1709), who fought
for Independence of Ukraine, will be erected in Poltava on August 24, 2009, in Independence Day of Ukraine.

July 5, 2009
Ukrainian Fleet Day
click for more information

click to watch video

click to watch video

click to watch video

October 28, 2009
click for more information

Vasyl Symonenko ( 1935 - 1963 )
The 75th Anniversary of birth of Ukrainian poet and journalist Vasyl
Symonenko. Vasyl Symonenko was born in Poltava region, Ukraine

The 100th Anniversary of the birth of Ukrainian politician
Mykhailo Soroka

The 200th Anniversary of the birth of Markiyan Shashkevych, Ukrainian
poet, writer and author of the first Ukrainian sonetto.

The 120th Anniversary of the birth of Ukrainian politician Evhen Konovalets

The 810th Anniversary of the birth of Ukrainian king Danylo Halytskyi

The 70th Anniversary of the birth of Ukrainian actor, filmmaker, and
screenplay writer Ivan Mykolaichuk

The 145th Annisersary of the birth of Ukrainian historian Mykhailo Hrushevskyi

The 140th Anniversary of the birth of Ukrainian wrestler Ivan Piddubnyi

The 100th Anniversary of the birth of
Ukrainian sculptor Grygoriy ( Gregor ) Kruk

530 years ago , in 1481 Ukrainian philosopher, writer Yuriy Drohobych
( Kotermak ) became rector of the University of Bologna.
Yuriy Kotermak was born in Drohobych, Lviv region.

The 100th Anniversary of the birth of Ukrainian militery comander Dmytro

The 60th Anniversary of the birth of Ukrainian singer Nazariy Yaremchuk

In 2012, Ukraine will mark the 12th century of creation of Ukrainian
statehood. 12 century ago a Ukrainian state Kyiv Rus germinated. The European Ukrainian nation has a rich history and this
history belongs to Ukraine and Ukrainian people but not to somobody else.

The 125th Anneversary of Ukrainian commander Oleksandr Udovychenko
click to listen Ukrainian march

The 130th Anniversary of the birth of Ukrainian composer Kyrylo Stetsenko
click to listen Ukrainian art songs by Ukrainian composer Kyrylo Stetsenko

The 140th Anniversary of Ukrainian artist Oleksa Novakivskyi

The 140th Anniversaey of the birth of Ukrainian opera singer Solomiya

The 130th Anniversary of the birth of Ukrainian military commander of
Ukrainian National Army Vasyl Tyutyunnyk.

The 125th Anniversary of the birth of Ukrainian theater director Les

In 2012 Ukraine will mark the 170th Anniversary of the birth of Ukrainian
composer Mykola Lysenko.

The 135th Anniversary of the birth of Ukrainian composer Mykola Leontovych
video which is dedicated to Mykola Leontovych