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Members of party of power ( the Party of Regions) want to keep in secret their income. They want to make changes to the law on corruption by changing the two provisions of the law on corruption. They do not want to file a declaration on their income.
So, Yanukovch regime's corrupt officials are trying to hide from public their income.


Stalinist, NKVD (KGB) agent and simply Soviet swine Sidor Kovpak


Check the puppet's situation .


Democrat Frau Merkel and dictator Putin.
What a redicolous combination.
May 4, 2012
Frau Merkel crossed the line when own self-interest of German companies which are involved with corrupt connections with Putin and Moscow regime began to prevail over the principles of common sense and over the principles of democracy in general. Watering dirt on Ukraine, Merkel finds herself in a company with dictator Putin, who does not hide his hate of Ukraine and Ukrainian people.
Ukrainian people have not forgotten the Nazi occupation of Ukraine, which inflicted enormous damage to our country and to our people.
10 million Ukrainian civilians were killed during the Nazi occupation and 3 million were sent to Germany for slave work. Ukrainian people remember our destroyed cities and burned villages, but also remember all those who defended our land from the Nazis as well as from Stalin regime.
And again, as in 1939, Germany, as well as personally frau Merkel, uses its influence in Europe to serve Moscow authoritarian regime in its informational war against Ukraine and Ukrainian people, thus putting Merkel in line with dictator Putin.
Ukrainian people will not forgive Merkel for her actions.

May 4, 2012
Ukrainian opposition becomes the object of the  big geopolitical games that is dangerous for the country.
Ukrainian opposition has to use its brane in this situation but unfortunatly we do not see the action of opposition that would have benefited Ukraine. If the situation will be the same Ukrainian opposition will become a danger for Ukraine.

May 25, 2012
Today the ruling party has shown itself as Moscow tool against Ukrainian people. The ruling party uses again and again political clowns such as Vadim Kolesnichenko, Efremov and others in order to dictract the public from the real regime's failures in both external and internal policies. The ruling party isn't capable to lead the country and creates only distraction in Ukrainian Parliament.
Their actions are working against country's interest.

July 4, 2012
It is time to boycott Yanukovych regime!


Protest against Russian language bill and against politics of Ukrainian Parliament and Yanukovych regime.


Protest against Russian imperialism


August 9, 2012
Viktor Yanukovych is not President of Ukraine any more but
he is accomplice of the enemy.


August 17, 2012
Kyiv, Ukraine
members of group Femen are stalinists
Today, members of group Femen vandalized the sign in memory of political prisoners who were killed by Stalin regime.
It became clear that this group Femen are payed from overseas and this group Femen is the enemy of Ukraine and Ukrainian people.


Kharkiv, Ukraine
August 20, 2012
Today, in Kharkiv, there was protest demonstration against ocupation Yanukovych regime and its politics. Ukrainian people came to the street of Kharkiv to say no to Russian language in Kharkiv and Kharkiv region.
Most of Ukrainians  think that Yanukovych regime is a servant of Moscow which hates Ukrainian people, Ukrainian culture, Ukrainian language.
Yanukovych regime became a enemy of Ukraine and Ukrainian people.


Mykolaiv, Ukraine
August 21, 2012
Today, in Mykolaiv, there was protest demonstration against Russin language and against politics of occupation Yanukovych regime.


The main features of the dictatorship of Yanukovych regime
1. A hostile takeover of business and finance by Yanukovych's clan and Yanukovych regime's clan.
2. Political persecution of opposition.
3. Political pressure on the media.
4. Anti-Ukrainian politics of Yanukovych regime against  Ukrainian culture and Ukrainian language.
5. Yanukovych regime uses the budget money for election in its favor.

October 10, 2012
Stalin-style of Minister of the regime of Yanukovych.
The Minister of the regime of Yanukovch Tabachnyk forbade the mention of the name of Ukrainian historic figure Ivan Mazepa in school textbooks and school teachers and administration will be panished if they violate his decree.
The regime of Yanukovych already looks as a farce.
This situation in Ukraine shows that the regime of Yanukovych slips into Moscow Stalin-style of dictatorship of Putin.
PACE statement that there is no dictatorship in Ukraine looks now like a farce and absurdity.


December 14, 2012
On December 12, 2012 the Western media described the orchestrated fight at Ukrainian Parliament with pleasure, but it wasn't any analysis of this event.
So, why has this fight happened?
The answer is simple.
Who are the majority of such "national lawmakers"? There are ex-soviet KGB agents, ex-soviet administrators, ex-spies of Moscow regime and small fishes, such as Azarov, Rybak.
 Such people have a huge experience in this type of provocations.
This political farce will be continued until Ukrainian people have absolutely no other choice but to make the lustration in Ukraine. 


February 23, 2013
Ex-soviet slaves celebrate today Kuchma's "Moscow army day". What a shame.


Volodymyr Rybak and the putschists of Yanukovych regime on April 4, 2013.

On April 4, 2013 Yanukovych began the war against parliamentarism in Ukraine.


May 9, 2013
Slap in the face of Ukrainians who fought against fascism in WWII.
Article of Kathy Lally "Putin celebrates Russia's Victory Day" (Washington Post, May 9, 2013). Name of the article looks like Stalin's propaganda and it is look like  Kathy Lally annonced the victory over fascism exclusively as a victory of Russia. So, Ukrainians who fought against fascism and Ukraine ( 10 millions of Ukrainians lost their lives during the WWII) were fighting for Russia? What a nonsense and harmful Stalin's propaganda.
Ukrainians defended their land but not Stalin's Moscow regime. Stalinism and fascism are both totalitarian regimes.


July 18, 2013
Kyiv, Ukraine
On July 18, 2013 Ukraine presented a note to Russia.
Russian coast-guard boat attacked the Ukrainian small fishing vessel at the Sea of Azov. In result 2 Ukrainian fishermen died and 2 Ukrainian fishermen are missing.
After this hostile action of Moscow regime, Ukraine should boycott Olympics in Russia.
By the way, Ukrainians believe that after the murder of Ukrainian fishermen by Russian cost-guards at the Sea of Azov, Putin is not welcome in Ukraine.


September 22, 2013
Moscow regime and its Tsarist-Soviet propaganda.
At the Valday conference, Mr. Putin explicitly lied about the existance of the ancient history of Russia.
Russia does not have the ancient history because Russia has nothing to do with the history of the ancient state Kyiv Rus.
In this period of time Moscow even did not exist and the wild animals and wild tribes was wandering in the woods near the river Moskva.
Russia does not have the ancient history.
The history of  ancient state Kyiv Rus belongs to Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.


October 3, 2013
Travesty show , which will be presented by Zaporizzia regional administration at the center of Ukraine's heritage Khortytsia on October 11-12 , 2013 has nothing to do with the culture of Ukraine and cultural traditions of the Ukrainian people. It is very sad that  the Minister of the culture Novokhotko does not understand it.


October 11, 2013
Recently, Mr.Oleksandr Vilkula has taken on the projects in which he is not competent. His last foolish idea about new tourist brand of Ukraine shows the lack of knowledge of this government official in this matter.


city Cherkassy, Ukraine
October 22, 2013
The strange activities , which dedicated to the 200th Anniversary of Taras Shevchenko.
Is this a foolish idea of the reginal goverment officials or of someone else?


October 23, 2013
Maybe, the reconstruction is a good idea, but when the reconstruction has begun in late fall, it tells us that the local government officials and the private company "Raiagrobud" do not know the specific technological process of the reconstruction of this historical place.
The company "Raiagrobud" is mainly involved in building of new apartment buildings and never was involved in the reconstruction of historical places.
Also, it is very sad, that is not a single person who will be responsible for the result of the reconstruction of this historical place when the work will be completed.


November 6, 2013
November 6, 2013 is the 70th Anniversary of the liberation of Kyiv from Hitler regime.
But the liberation of Kyiv in 1943 did not bring to the Ukrainian people the liberation from the Stalin Moscow regime. Stalinism and fascism are both totalitarian regimes.


November 14, 2013
Before giving advices to Ukraine, Europe has to learn first how to spell correctly the name of the capital of Ukraine.
Remember! The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv.




Kyiv, Ukraine
November 24, 2013
Rally for support Ukraine's European integration.


Novembre 25, 2013
Brainless opposition patries and Tymoshenko are working hard to gave Ukraine no chance to sign the trade deal with Europe. They care only about own political future but not always about national interst of Ukraine.
Ukrainian people went to the plazas and the streets of their cities not because to support for opposition parties but to support Ukraine's European integration.
Ukrainian government and Ukrainian president should do everything that possible for interest of Ukraine and at the same time did not lose opportunity to sign the trade deal with Europe.
By the way, Europe should make some compromise and not demand from Ukraine too much.
The Ukrainian opposition and Ukrainian government have to work together against Putin's imperial ambitions.


November 28, 2013
Regardless of the outcome of the summit in Vilnius, the supporters for Ukraine's European integration have to demand from the Ukrainian Parliament to implement the law which confirms that Ukraine will never be a member of Putin's and Moscow regime's Eurasian Union or any future Moscow regime's Unions.
Ukrainian president has to sign this law. Also, this law should include a provision that any new Ukrainian parliament and any next Ukrainian President have no right to revoke this law.
Ukraine and Ukrainian people do not want to be a part of any new Putin's and Moscow regime's empire.


December 2, 2013
Putin as a new political clown.


December 6, 2013
7:40 P.M.
New information which is
based on some information from the editor of The Economist
(agreement with Russia - 5BN+gas price $200,  joins Customs Union, all together - 15 BN)
If it is true, it means that the criminal official Yanukovych signed an agreement today with Putin's criminal regime.
This criminal agreement includes a bribe in form of $15BN ($5BN, lower gas price, and huge amount of money personally to Yanukovych). For all this, Yanukovych promised to betray  Ukraine's interests and promised that Ukraine joins Moscow regime's Customs Union.
If it is true, in this situation Putin and Yanukovych have become criminal officials, because Putin is briber and Yanukovych is bribetaker.

December 7, 2013
11:50 A.M.
The statements of Peskov and Azarov that Yanukovych and Putin have not sign an agreement that Ukraine will join Putin's and Moscow regime's Customs Union in exchange for bribe, makes us only ironically smile.
Everybody remembers the secret night party before Moscow regime and Yanukovych regime have sign the Karkiv's agreements.
Ukrainian people no longer trust Yanukovych regime and especially do not trust minor officials of Putin's Moscow regime.
The regular secret meetings in twosome format between Putin and Yanukovych are an issue for concern and outrage of Ukrainian people.

December 8, 2013
8:30 P.M.
So, the fetish of ex-soviet empire has been destroyed.
I can not understand why everybody is so excited. Soviet empire does not exist anymore, decayed, destroyed and will never recover. Any attempt to restore it and its fetishes should be stopped.
Today somebody used the situation to show on cameras the moment when the fetish of ex-Soviet empire was destroyed.
It happened because Yanukovych regime for a long time supported the keeping old soviet fetishes in Ukraine.
If Yanukovych regime will continue protecting soviet fetishes in Ukraine that tells us that Yanukovych regime wanted that Ukraine joins the Customs Union and wanted to restore Putin's quasi-empire. This will not happen.
The Ukrainian people are against it.

December 10, 2013
Today, the ex-soviet official Kravchuk invited to negotiate so-called round table a representative of the party of communists and in the current situation in Ukraine it looks like a political farce.
Does someone really want to turn the negotiations into a political comedy? It will not work.
By the way, Yanukovych regime must stop so brazenly be hypocrite, because bloody crackdown on demonstrators on November 30, 2013 was not only a mistake but a crime.


December 11, 2013
3:20 A.M.
Today, it became clear that dependence of Yanukovych from external pressure of Moscow is a danger to Ukraine.
Yanukovych has to remember that if today he was obeying the order from Moscow, this will have serious consequences for him.
Yanukovych can be charged with high treason.

December 11, 2013
2:35 P.M.
The proposed plan of actions.
If the president of Ukraine will soon not dismiss the cabinet of ministers of Ukraine, the revolution enters its third stage.
The reasons why the revolution in Ukraine enters the third stage:
1) The helplessness of politics of EU and its ambivalent policy towards Ukraine does not respond to further developmens.
2) Yanukovych regime uses EU officials as useful idiots.
3) The recent events in Ukraine show that the negotiation between Yanukovych regime and the Ukrainian people is not possible.
4) Yanukovych broke his oath to serve the people of Ukraine and violated the constitution of Ukraine.
So, on the basis of what I have listed, the way out of the situation can be made an appeal by the Ukrainian people.
Ukrainian people must address the troops of the Military Forces of Ukraine.
The text of address.
Address of  the people of Ukraine to the troops of the Military Forces of Ukraine.
The Fatherland is in danger!!!
The President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych broke his oath to serve the people of Ukraine and violated the constitution of Ukraine. He became, in fact, a criminal, who serves the interests of Moscow regime.
We , the people of Ukraine, appeal to those military officers and commanders, who hold dear the destiny of our Fatherland.
Take the responsibility for our country in your own hands!
Arrest the President Viktor Yanukovych!
He is a criminal who has broken his oath to serve the people of Ukraine and violated the constitution of Ukraine.
If you do not do this, after December 18, 2013 you will receive  orders from Moscow.
Ukraine and Ukrainian people do not want to be a part of Putin's criminal regime which uses Western political officials for its own interests.

December 11, 2013
5:55 P.M.
I just have watched the video of the President's address.
I was angered by the fact, that president's speach was addressed more to Ukrainian opposition but not to the people of Ukraine. I have the impression that the president is deaf.
He still does not understand that the people of Ukraine demand to punish those who committed the crime on November 30, 2013. 

December 12, 2013
1:20 P.M.
Today, the Minister of Defense of USA had a telephone conversation with the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Pavlo Lebedev.
The Minister of Defense of USA does not understand that the Chief Commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is the President of Ukraine Yanukovych and the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Pavlo Lebedev does not have complete information about situation in Ukraine because he does not know what about Yanukovych and Putin was agreed during secret meetings in twosome format between Putin and Yanukovych.

December 13,2013
12:15 P.M.
The cynicism of Yanukovych
Yanukovych said today that he can not dismiss the cabinet of the ministers of Ukraine because there is a procedure of resignation of the cabinet of the ministers of Ukraine by voting of the Ukraine's Parliament and after of the vote is submitted for the president.
It shows us the cynicism of Yanukovych, who knows that after bloody crockdown on demonstrators on November 30, 2013, the members of the cabinet of the ministers of Ukraine are criminals and the president, who covers up their crime, is a criminal too.

December 13, 2013
6:55 P.M.
Today, Azarov's criminal cabinet of ministers approved the draft of protocol of Ukraine-Russia interstate commission. The draft of protocol indicated that both countries agree to refrain from unilateral actions related to implementation of import policies that could harm each other.
It means that after Yanukovych regime signs this agreement with Moscow regime, Ukraine will not be able to sign independently any agreements on the international arena without a permission from Moscow.
This contract of December 17, 2013 between criminal Moscow regime and criminal Yanukovych regime questions the independence of Ukraine as an independent state and, in fact, fully stops the European integration of Ukraine.
The Ukrainian opposition must immediatly explain the meaning of this criminal agreement between Putin and Yanukovych to the people of Ukraine.

December 14, 2013
5:10 P.M.
The punishment of only those who were following orders for bloody crockdown on demonstrators on November 30, 2013, is shows that the president avoids making a decision to unleash the political crisis in the country and because of this, the political crisis in Ukraine will deepen.
Also, the political crisis in Ukraine will deepen more if Yanukovych signs criminal agreement of December 17, 2013 with Moscow regime.

December 15, 2013
10:40 A.M.
Shameful proposal of some leaders of opposition
Today, Yatsenuk said that the opposition wants to use the communicts to dismiss Azarov's cabinet of ministers by voting together with the communists in Parliament.
It is a shameful proposal.
The agreement of opposition with the communists in the parliament is out of question.
Proposing this, opposition disgraces itself and actually offers a reanimated corpse of already not legimate parliament.
Such proposal can be considerd not only as stupid but as collaboration with communists.
Today's proposal of Yatsenuk reminds us that time when Tymoshenko and her party by an agreement with communists were voting in the parliament for their purpose.
Now today's proposal of Yatsenuk looks like  a shame.
Down with Azarov's cabinet of ministers !!!

December 16, 2013
12:25 P.M.
Today, Rybak said that the parliament will not vote for the government's resignation. It shows Yanukovych's unwillingness to resolve the political crisis in Ukraine.
Also today was a chance for the members of the party of Rigions to rehabilitate themselves before the people of Ukraine but they did not use this opportunity.
Today at a secret meeting which were attended by criminal Klyuev, criminal Azarov's cabinet of ministers and the members of the party of Regions has not occured anything positive for the country.
But the members of the party of Regions did not understand what really happened at this secret meeting. Actually criminal Klyuev and criminal Azarov's cabinet of ministers made the members of the patry of Regions accomplices of Klyuev's and Azarov's cabinet ministers's crimes ( bloody crockdown on demonstrators on November 30, 2013 and criminal agreement of December 17, 2013 between Moscow regime and Yanukovych regime).
The political crisis in Ukraine is deepening and the president Yanukovych will also be responsible for crimes against the people of Ukraine.

December 16, 2013
Re-run elections to the Ukrainian parliament were held in five constituencies in Ukraine on December 15, 2013.
With 100% of the ballots of precinct election commissions counted, self-nominee political clown M.Poplavsky won repeat parliamentary election in Ukraine at constituency No.194.
It shows that not only this re-run election was a political farce, but also that Ukrainian people do not trust the parliament any more and do not believe that the parliament is capable to influence the counry's political life.
Because of this, the popping up of a figure in the parliament of such a political clown as Poplavsky looks like the Ukrainian people's mockery of the parliament.
It means that the parliament lost a moral right to make any decisions related to political life of the country.


December 17, 2013
2:00 P.M.
Today the meeting of Ukraine-Russia interstate comission was held behind closed doors. Also a meeting was held in the format twosome between Putin and Yanukovych.
Only one TV channel  "RIA-Novosti", which actually now owned by Putin's Moscow regime, was admitted to the meeting of Ukraine-Russia interstate commission for only a few minutes to shoot of Putin's statement on a $15 billion loan to Ukraine and lowering the price of natural gas for Ukraine.
Putin could not explain the reason for such a "gift".
But the reason is very simple.
Actually, by this "gift" Putin today proclaimed his support of Yanukovych's candidacy for the presidential election in Ukraine in 2015, and, this as everybody understands, is a direct interference in the internal affairs of Ukraine.

December 17, 2013
10 P.M.
A real Putin's Moscow regime's plan
Putin decided to prolong the agony of Moscow regime at the expense of Ukraine's assets.
From the 90s to present time Moscow regime consistently destroyed its country own industry, businesses, entire sectors of the economy buying business assets for nothing and converting them into Moscow regime's own assets and thus Moscow regime parasitized by this assets.
Later, Moscow regime parasitized by assets of Belorus.
Now Moscow regime's funds are coming to an end.
In vain, Ukrainian workers of Ukrainian enterprises of Eastern Ukraine, who support Yanukovych, hope for better life what was promised by Yanukovych regime.
Because Putin's and Moscow regime's task to prolong its agony by destroying the economy of Ukraine and the result, is receiving a direct funds for Moscow regime's needs.
Actually Moscow regime wants to prolong its agony by parasitizing at other's expense. As a result of this, Putin's Moscow regime's economic intervention in Ukraine thousands of Ukrainian businesses will be captured and destroyed economically by Moscow and millions of Ukrainian workers will be left without a livelihood.
Another aspect of Putin's plan is Putin's military plan in Ukraine, which implies to put the cruise missiles with nuclear heads on Russian ships that are based at military base in Ukraine in city Sevastopol.

December 18, 2013
About the so-called "discount of price on natural gas" for Ukraine.
The company Gazprom faced a serious problem of marketing its product natural gas as a main importer Ukraine reduced purchases of natural gas from Gazprom.
The signing the additional document to Putin-Tymoshenko contract of 2009 and pledging to buy more natural gas from Gazprom, Ukraine actually sponsors Gazprom.

December 19, 2013
5:45 P.M.
We will not talk today about "brotherly love" of ex-KGB officer Putin to Ukraine, because it has nothing to do with economy or politics but relates more to the pathology.
Unlike "a friend of Ukraine" Putin, we will talk about real things.
So, Putin's real objectives are clear. He received yesterday the tools for influence over Ukraine and after two years he can turn Ukraine into Moscow regime's colony. Also, Putin worried about Maidan's influence on disenfranchised population of his country. The receiving support from Putin, Yanukovych already started today his presidential compaign 2015. Today virtual economic support from Putin gave the opportunity to Yanukovych to use new budget of Ukraine for his populist social policy, which will work for his presidential compaign 2015.
Maybe Ukrainian oligarches do not fully undestand what awaits them in two years. Ukraine became a debtor of Moscow regime and Moscow regime two years later will require to pay back the debt. To do so, Yanukovych will have to pay by giving away the oligarches's businesses.
Ukraine faces enormous challenges because Yanukovych regime became a tool of Putin against the interests of Ukraine and Yunukovych and Yanukovych regime turned into political balast and a treat to Ukraine.

December 20, 2013
11:45 A.M.
Today I read an article by Y.Hrytsak and I do not completely agree with his conclusions. I agree that there is no split of Ukraine on the basis of geographical line. But I disagree that only the age plays a big role with  the split of  the country. The split of the country occurs in other matters, and it does not depend on geography, not on language, not on age. The split occured between a free person and a slave.
Those who came to Maidan are actually those who undestand the geopolitical problems which face Ukraine and they choose the free path of  development of the country by free person who takes the responsibility of the country's destiny in his or her own hands.
Those who choose the path of dependancy on Moscow has the psychology of a slave. They do not care what will happen with their country and do not want to take responsibility in their hands. This is psychology of a slave who obediently fulfills orders from the master. In this aspect is the difference between a free person who decides his or her own future and future of Ukraine from a slave. In this plane, I see the line of the split of Ukraine.

December 21, 2013
2:30 P.M.
Maidan in Ukraine makes Putin's dream about Euroasian Union rediculous.
Today, Moscow regime announced that next week will be held the meeting of the economic committee of the defunct Euroasian Union and Lukashenko, Nazarbaev and Yanukovych have to attend this meeting. From this Moscow regime's statement we can conclude that Putin needs this meeting to confirm Putin's virtual status as "a tsar" of the defunct Euroasian Union. There is no information about Yanukovych's trip to Moscow yet but after the secret agreements in Moscow on December 17, 2013 between Putin and Yanukovych, Putin needs Yanukovych to use him  for portraying the crowd scene for virtual coronation of Putin as "a tsar" of the defunct Euroasian Union. This political comedy of Moscow regime shows us the degradation of politics of Moscow regime and political bluff of Putin.
Of cause Maidan in Ukraine makes Putin's dream about Euroasian Union rediculous.

December 22, 2013
So, Khodorkovsky's release was a result of secret agreements between Moscow and Berlin, which is derected to help the whitewashing of tsar Putin and Moscow regime.
The speech of Khodorkovsky in Berlin today shows us that Khodorkovsky is actually political looser because the meaning of his speech was derected to help the whitewashing of Moscow regime and defended personal interest of Putin and Moscow regime. This indicates by the following Khodorkovsky's statements:
1) Khodorkovsky said today that "the result of my release is the result of the efforts of the civil society".
Behind this statement we see Putin's attempt to proclaim that there is a civil society in Russia but everybody knows that a civil society in Putin's Russia does not exist. In fact, Khodorkovsky's release is the result of secret agreements between Moscow and Berlin.
2) Khodorkovsky said that he is not indifferent to Ukraine. This statement of Khodorkovsky makes me sick because he completely quotes Putin who likes to use this phrase when he talks about Ukraine.
3) Khodorkovsky said that he wants to give an advice to Yanukovych to follow in Putin's steps and release Tymoshenko. Behind this statement we see not so much desire of Putin to weaken the position of Yanukovych because Putin already does not care about Yanukovych as a political figure, but increasing desire of Putin to weaken the position of Ukraine on the world arena. Actually, by this statement Khodorkovsky looks like the talking head of Putin.
4) Also today Khodorkovsky defended the tsar Putin's project in Sochi, that in fact proves the existence of agreement between Putin and Khodorkovsky about conditions of Khodorkovsky's release. By defending the tsar Putin's project in Soch, Khodorkovsky actually is defending the personal interest of Putin.
This all proves that the text of the speech of Khodorkovsky in Berlin was actually was written by Putin in Kremlin.

December 22, 2013
3:05 P.M.
Today, the organization "Maidan" and the committee of this organization were created in Ukraine. A statement was made on behalf of this organization.
But, unfortunately, the political emphasis of this statement does not meet a real moment of political struggle of the Ukrainian people for their rights. We heared the suggestion which implies, that Maidan should explain to those who support Yanukovych that Yanukovych is a bad guy. But the matter is not Yanukovych any more, but the matter is that after December 17, 2013 Yanukovych became a tool of Putin, which directed against the interests of Ukraine and the matter is that the people of Ukraine including those who support Yanukovych face the danger of Moscow regime's slavery.
But instead of explaining this to the Ukrainian people, somebody tryes to use Maidan for his own political purposes and wants to replace a political figure such as the president. This is an old method which does not work any more. Ukraine now faces more serious problems. The Ukrainian people and Ukraine are facing external theats from Putin's Moscow regime. Actually, Yanukovych regime became a secondory element of Putin's political pressure on Ukraine. The task of Maidan is to explain to everyone who does not understand the significance of this threat to Ukraine.
At the same time the politicians of the party of regions do not understand that if Putin will carry out his plan Putin will not need Yanukovych and the party of regions any more.
But than Putin has serious problems with economy of his country and economic and political crisis in Russia may lead to the disintegration of Russia. This possibility also exists.
Everybody in Ukraine has to undestand that the foregn policy is becoming an integral part of the domestic policy. Maidan has to undestand this and takes this into consideration. Maidan and Ukrainian people has to think not only about the problems of the domestic policy but also about the foreign policy.

December 22, 2013
9: 15 P.M.
The first concrete action of the new organization "Maidan".
The new Ukrainian organization "Maidan" has to send a request to prosecute Zakharchenko, Klyuev and Azarov for bloody crockdown on demonstrators in Kyiv, Ukraine on November 30, 2013 to the International court of justice in the Hague.

December 23, 2013
2:20 P.M.
Political helplessness and stupidity of the party of regions
Today, the talking heads of the party of regions who are portraying themselves as the representatives of the civil society started to call the Ukrainian people to support Yanukovych who has actually passed Ukraine's interests to Moscow. From this we can conclude that the party of regions calls on the people of Ukraine to support Yanukovych and in neat rows march under "the wise" leadership of Yanukovych and the party of regions into Moscow regime's slavery.
What a farce and stupidity of the party of regions!


December 24, 2013
3 A.M.
Putin's quasi-empire


December 25, 2013
2 :05 P.M.
The rancour of Putin and his henchman Zakharchenko against Ukraine
On December 25 at 1:30 A.M. Ukrainian journalist Tetyana Chetnovil was attacked and beaten. She was attacked as she was driving home. Chernovil's car was rammed by other car on the road Boryspil -Kyiv and several men from this other car grabbed her and pulled her from her car, brutally beat her and left her near the road. Now Chernovil is in the hospital.
One day ago Chernovil published an article about Zakharchenko.
In the city of Kharkiv at the same time on December 24, 2013 Ukrainian activist Dmytro Pylypets who organized Maidan in Kharkiv, was beaten and received several stabbed wounds after attack. Activist Pylypets was approached by two men outside his apartment in Kharkiv. They stabbed him several times, told him to stop organizing protests, and left him bleeding on the street.
All this suggests that Zakharchenko and Azarov are agents of Kremlin who are receiving already the orders from Putin.
If Yanukovych does not immediately dismiss Zakharchenko, it will shows us that Yanukovych does not control the situation in Ukraine anymore.

December 25, 2013
10:50 P.M.
The recommendation to Maidan
The leaders of opposition must stop imposing their slogans to Maidan. The leaders of opposition do not understand that Ukraine does not have time for political games anymore. Ukraine has to move forward right now because after two years it will be late and possibility of change will not exist and the presidential election will not change anything. They have to work with Maidan because Maidan and Ukraine have to move forward and it has to be done with them or without them.
The proposed structure and responsibility of organization "Maidan".
1) The information block
Responsibility - the dissemination of the information about what is really going on in the country.
2) Agitation block
responsibility - bring the true information to the people of different regions of the country. The agitator of organization Maidan does not have to be a politician. His statements should reflect the will of the people but not only will of some of the leaders of political parties. The person has to give a clear picture of how Yanukovych's regime actions will destroy the economy of Ukraine and show this picture with examples and economic indicators and prove that such a policy of Yanukovych's regime leads into Moscow's slavery.
3) Block or committee on human rights
responsibility - the protection of the rights of a person who is under pressure from Yanukovych's regime. The opposition and Maidan have to work on this essues together.
4) Committee on International relations
responsibility - establishing links with International organizations.
5) Political training
Political training for new leader of Maidan who can be a cantidate for election to the mayor of Kyiv.
6) Protection
responsibility - the protection of their members
7) Block of political parties
responsibility - coordination of their action with Maidan


December 26, 2913
8:45 P.M.
Today in many cities of Ukraine the protestors and Ukrainian journalists demanded from Yanukovych to dismiss the bloody minister Vitaliy Zakharchenko.


December 27, 2013
3:10 P.M.
Putin is face a serious problem in his own country.
65% of the population of Russia does not support Putin's policy on the allication of the loan % 15 billion to Ukraine due their welfare. The population of Russia is tired of Putin's populist political projects which only worsen miserable existance of the people.


December 29, 2013
7:50 P.M.
The attempt of opposition to give a birth of any coherent program of action was not successful. But not only this.
Some suggestions of the so-called manifesto push us to an assumption that the leaders of opposition had secret negotiations with the regime of Yanukovych.
What is the basis for this assumption? The logic of the events.
A few days ago Yanukovych was hysterical that the budget was not adopted and he demanded that the budget has to be adopted before December 30, 2013. But next day Yanukovych suddenly calmed down.
At the same time we heard from opposition that the strike will be held after holidays on January 8, 2014. But today was  annnounced that the strike will be held on January 24, 2014. The plenary session of the parliament on adoption of the budget is scheduled on January 16, 2014 and after this the public sector workers will receive their money and after this the strike on January 24, 2014  loses its meaning.
So, Yanukovych calmed down because he already received the information from the opposition  that the opposition is going to change the day when the strike will be held.
So, in the result we have a political comedy club of the opposition and Yanukovych regime which produced so-called "the strike on January 24, 2014".
What a shame!


December 30, 2013
3:10 P.M.
Putin's helper Tyahnybok
The political party of Tyahnybok is going to organize "the torch march" in Kyiv on January 1, 2014 and wants to use Maidan for political purpose of his party.
Yesterday Maidan's activists asked Tyahnybok to not organize this march of his, but Tyahnybok does not want to listen the people. If Tyahnybok will organize this "the torch march" the organization Maidan has to dismiss him from the organization because this march looks like the provocation directed against Maidan. We can see in this only political interest of only one political party which supported by only 5% of Ukrainian people. Brainless Tyahnybok does not understand or understand very well that the style of "the torch march" has nothing to do with history of Ukraine and the traditions of Ukrainian people.
In this important moment of political struggle of Ukrainian people for their rights Tyahnybok's "the torch march" looks like the provocation and old KGB's methods and Tyahnybok himself looks like a provocator and a helper of ex-KGB officer Putin who hates Maidan.


December 31, 2013
12 :05 P.M.
The recent events in Russia show us that Putin's Moscow regime is not capable to solve the problems which face the country and there is actually the civil war in Russia.
The unstable political situation in Russia is a problem for its neghboring countries.
Because there is unstable political situation in Russia Ukraine should strengthen the protection of Ukraine's borders with Russia and introduce a visa regime with Russia.
On December 30, 2013 Ukraine has strengthened control on the borders with Russia.


January 1, 2014
Tyahnybok has to answer to the question how much he received from Putin for 'the torch march" in Kyiv on January 1, 2014.


January 2, 2014
Ukraine filed WTO complaint against Russia on January 1, 2014.

January 2, 2013
1:20 P.M.
Yanukovych regime is in a panic mode. The regime desperately needs Tyahnybok's party for the presidential election in 2015. Today the political scientist V.Fesenko, who works for Yanukovych regime, began to lie openly that Tyahnybok's party has almost the same support of Ukrainian people as Klychko's party that looks absolutely ridiculous and absurd, because Tyahnybok's party supported only by 5% of the population of Ukraine. The reason for this that Yanukovych regime needs this Tyahnybok's party because the regime wants to look better at the presidential election in 2015 against the background of puppet-caricatured Tyahnybok's party, which actually is a caricature on the National resistance movement of Ukrainian people against Moscow regime in XX century.

January 5, 2014
4:05 P.M.
Today Yatsenyuk said that Ukrainian opposition will not put up a single candidate from opposition at the first round of the presidential election in 2015. It is beneficial only for Tymoshenko because she fears that if a single condidate from Ukrainian opposition wins the presidential election 2015, Tymoshenko will dissappear from political scene of Ukraine.


January 5, 2014
8:45 P.M.
Today a Putin's clown on Russian TV barked regular insults toward Ukraine and Ukrainian people. Of course you can ignore this but other matter surprises us. Why did Putin ignore the problems of Russia?
Putin has many problems in Russia: permanent civil war, economic problems, aging president who already looks funny in the role of macho and many other problems.
But the most interesting events we observed during from December 31, 2013 until January 4, 2014 : Putin's strange night flights from a city to city, two different Putin's New Year adresses which were watched by people in different parts of the country, unjustified and incomprehensible deployment of the troops of 49th Army in Stavropol Region, the imposition of martial law in the area of Stavropol region, the dismissal of many high military commanders which was made on line (information appears on president's website) when Putin was in Sochi, disappearance of the Minister of Defense until January 3, 2014.
This shows us that we maybe observed the situation which can be described as a military coup from which Putin fled to Sochi.
January 6, 2014
3:30 P.M.
Putin's New Year fairy tale
On January 6, 2014 Putin's First TV chanel distributed a sugary story how Putin celebrated New Year. After one week we suddenly found out that Putin on December 31, 2013  flew first to city Chita to pick up the family of a fallen military officer and after this he brought them on his aircraft to city Khabarovsk to celebrate New Year together with "tsar" Putin.
Putin's TV chanel also reported that after New Year celebration on January 1, 2014 Putin's aircraft flown the family of the military officer back to city Chita, which is located far away from city Khabarovsk and city Volgograd. But we know that Putin was already in Volgograd at 5:00 A.M. on January 1, 2014. From this we can conclude that Putin's aircraft was at the same time in three different cities in Khabarovsk, Volgograd and Chita at the same time. This whole story looks like Putin's New Year fairy tale.
January 7, 2013
10:40 A.M.
The real situation in Russia. Today in Chrismas day in Russia Putin ordered to deploy the troops, armored vihicles, tanks to Sochi.


January 8, 2014
Kyiv, Ukraine
The activists of the so-called "auto-maidan" without the consent of Ukrainian people who protested on Maidan, visited today one embassy of foreign country in Kyiv and had a talk with the ambassador. Such actions are inappropiate and look like cheap PR. Also this action looks like a provocation against Ukraine, Ukrainian people and Maidan.


January 9, 2014
The criminal Azarov of the criminal Yanukovych regime.

January 10, 2014
12:45 P.M.
Political games around the Ukrainian opposition.
The recent events highlighted the worsening of political situation in political life in Ukraine. There is appeared an indication of political opponents against a single candidate from opposition in the presidential election 2015. And Yanukovych and Tymoshenko both are against this. Yanukovych needs Tyahnybok for the presidential election as a scarecrow for the electorate and he also fears that a single candidate from opposition can win the presidential election. Tymoshenko is against it because if a single candidate from opposition wins, she will be out from political scene in Ukraine.
So, not as strange as it looks both Yanukovych and Tymoshenko represent a united front against the unification of opposition for putting a single candidate from opposition in presidential election 2015.

January 10, 2014
3:05 P.M.
Yanukovych's nightmare before the presidential election 2015 is Tymoshenko as a candidate for the presidential election.
Today the election commission of Ukraine applayed to the constitutional court of Ukraine for clarification of eligibility of Tymoshenko's participation in the presidential election in 2015. But Tymoshenko can be a candidate for the presidential election 2015 because the constitution of Ukraine does not have the provision which prohibits this.

January 11, 2014
Yesterday the special police Berkut beat the protesters in Kyiv. Six people in the hospital including the members of Ukrainian parliament. The police smashed Yuriy Lutsenko's head and now former Interior Minister Yuriy Lutsenko is in intensive care in the hospital.
Today Yanukovych regime is organized two rally in Kharkiv. One rally is for support Yanukovych, which is organized by the local authorities. Other rally is against Ukrainian opposition and with love to criminal Azarov and this rally is organized by Head of the Presidential Secretariat Liovochkin.


Yanukovych and Azarov


January 13, 2014
7:05 P.M.
Yanukovych regime's Malanka 2014

January 16, 2014
12:30 P.M.
Not yet recovered from the attempt of the military coup in Russia and against the backdrop of civil war in Russia and against the background of Russia's economic problems (only a net outflow of capital from Russia increased by 14,8% in 2013), Putin nonethless began to put pressure on Yanukovych again.
Today Ukrainian parliament passed Putin-Stalin's laws against the rights and freedoms of the people of Ukraine. These laws have been adopted in violation of the constitution of Ukraine and directed against the civil society of Ukraine. Yanukovych does not understand that endorsing these Putin-Stalin's laws he puts himself outside the laws of Ukraine and ceases to be president of Ukraine and looks like a vassal of Moscow regime. This can lead to an increase of political tension and the creation of chaos in the country. Also this Yanukovych's actions show us the primitiveness of political thinking of Yanukovych and the party of Regions.

January 17, 2014
7:55 P.M.
Fear and anger led Putin to political impotence.
Pushing in Ukraine Putin-Stalin's law which is directed against Ukrainian civil society, Putin shows us his political impotence which is cased by fear before Maidan.
After this Putin's actions against the rights and freedoms of Ukrainian people any civiled and self-respecting politician, including any political officials of EU, can not shake Putin's hand. Putin already looks unseemly in the world political arena and communication with Putin can ruin the reputation of any leader of any democratic country.

January 20, 2014
4:15 P.M
Yanukovych lied yesterday when he said that he wants to resolve the crisis in Ukraine. Yesterday he said that he is going to set up a commission to resolve the crisis but he lied because at the same time yesterday he gave an order to the publishing house to prepare Putin-Stalin's laws for publication by pro-government newspaper. Today there is an information that tomorrow it will be published. After publication, this Putin-Stalin's laws will come into force. It is clear that Yanukovych is a patological lier and that all actions of Yanukovych regime lead to an increased conflict in Ukraine.

January 21, 2014
6:00 A.M.
Putin lost touch with reality
Today Lavrov at the conference in Moscow said that Putin's Moscow regime is "ready to act as a mediator in situation in Ukraine". Such Lavrov's statement can be seen as direct threat against Ukrainian people and direct intervention in the internal affairs of Ukraine.
Also it shows us that Putin complitly lost touch with reality. Putin has to think about huge problems in his country which he can not solve for 15 years and not stick his nose brazenly in the internal affairs of other countries.

January 23, 2014
12:30 P.M.
If EU does not take personal sanctions against Kluyev and Zakharchenko than, frau Merkel, on your hands too will be the blood of Ukrainian protesters who were killed by Yanukovych regime on January 22, 2014.

January 23, 2014
1:50 P.M.
Ukrainian Parliament has completely discredited itself before Ukrainian people after adoption of Putin-Stalin's laws on January 16, 2014 violating the constitution of Ukraine and the laws of parliamentarism in Ukraine.
The Ukrainian parliament had 2 months to take important decisions promoting settlement of the situation in the country. But Ukrainian deputies turned into puppets of Yanukovych regime and now Parliament's decisions are irrelevant. Ukrainian parliament does not perform its primary function because now Ukrainian parliament is not a carrier of parliamentarism in Ukraine.
Ukrainian people will not tolerate it anymore and against that parliamentarism in Ukraine turns into a caricature on parliamentarism as it occurs in Moscow where puppet Russian parliament long time ago turned into only a tool of Putin's Moscow regime.

January 25, 2014
Yanukovych regime is trying today to buy the leaders of Ukrainian opposition by proposing to them the government positions in Yanukovych regime's government. It is too late.
Maidan will not agree with it. But Maidan can propose something to Yanukovych. Yanukovych will have some pension and he can keep his mansion near Kyiv and Maidan can promise to give him insurance of his personal safety but Yanukovych has to go. 

January 25, 2014
11:20 P.M.
Ukrainian House is ours! Thank you.
It is our Land! Everybody has to remmember this.
Glory to Ukraine!

January 26, 2014
7:10 P.M.
So, yesterday Yanukovych decided to meet with leaders of Ukrainian opposition again. Of course reason for this political crisis in the country.
But we will talk about another matter. Yesterday Yanukovych again wanted to use EU officials as useful idiots. His proposals to the leaders of Ukrainian opposition were only the imitention of negotiations. Possesing unlimited power which he stole and actually established his personal rule, he does not want to lose his power. A talk about a return to the constitution of 2004 that would limit his power is all empty talk. Yanukovych looks like a wolf in sheep's clothing. The government positions that he proposed to the leaders of Ukrainian opposition look ridiculous because Yanukovych can dismiss any government official at any time.  Actually yesterday Yanukovych again used EU officials as useful idiots gave them a picture of imitation of negotiations and proposals. But in fact everything was foofaraw from Yanukovych. But most outrageous that Yanukovych for his bluff in return demanded from Ukrainian opposition to dissolve Maidan. He is buying time and on January 28, 2014 Yanukovych wants to push unconstitutional laws again by using his puppet parliament. But Yanukovych does not understand the seriousness of the situation in the country. He continues to play the political games with Ukrainian opposition and EU officials and he does not see that the situation in the country became increasingly deteriorating.

January 27, 2014
4 A.M.
Yesterday Kluyev used his people (titushki) in different cities against the demonstrators. They beat the demonstrators together with police. Hundreds demonstrators were arrested. Cinical statements of minister of justice Lukash about the demonstrators caused outrage of the people. Ministry of justice has turned into a punitive body of Yanukovych dictatorship. Lukash and Kluyev were involved in the negotiations between the goverment and opposition but Ukrainian people see this as imitation of negotiations and think that Yanukovych just buying time.Yanukovych is patological lier and gives just empty promises but at the same time yesterday he ordered to beat demonsrators and arrest them and it happened across the country.
The protesters seized the building of Ministry of justice in Kyiv late Sunday.

January 27, 2014
Ukrainian people are indignant by statements of the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. Ukrainian people condems the intervation in internal affairs of Ukraine. Russia has no moral right to talk about democracy and methods of struggle for democracy in any country when the civil rights of Russian people has been  violated for 14 years during Putin's rule.

January 27, 2014
4:20 P.M.
According to website (Ukrainian version) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Zakharchenko talked today with American ambassador in Kyiv. If it is true this conversation between the ambassador and Zakharchenko at least looks out of place because such figure as Zakharchenko is perceived negatively by Ukrainian people. Zakharchenko is responsible for bloody crockdown on the demonstrators on November 30, 2013. After this 4 students are still missing. He actually became one of those who conducts repression against demonstrators, responsible for killing, kidnapping, abuse and torture of demonstrators. If information about conversation between the ambassador and Zakharchenko is true the ambassador has to be more cautious in his statements during conversanion with such an odious figure such as Zakharchenko. And, in general, if the conversation look place, conversation with Zakharchenko is inappropriate because the ambassador thereby inderectly prolongs stay of this odious official in power and it is unacceptable.
By the way the information about conversation between American ambassador with Zakharchenko on website of American embassy in Ukraine has not appear today yet.

January 28, 2014
6:20 P.M
The resignation of Azarov and the cabinet of ministers of Ukraine actually has not changed the structure of power in Ukraine because Yanukovych still has his unlimited authority. Because of this the constitutional reform which limiting the power of the president should be carry out in Ukraine immediately. 
Without the constitutional reform which limiting the power of the president the formation of  new government does not make any sense because Yanukovych can dismiss new government at any time.
The abuse of power by Yanukovych has to be stopped immediately!

January 29, 2014
11:55 A.M.
The constitutional reform must carry out in Ukraine immediately. No constitutional commissions! Agreeing to constitutional commisions for carry out constitutional reform the opposition thereby betrays the Ukrainian people's interests and preserves unlimited power of Yanukovych in the country until autumn of 2014.
This is unacceptable!
If the constitutional reform is not carried out in Ukraine immediately then the opposition completely will lose the Ukrainian people's trust.
No collaboration with Yanukovych regime!
Compromise is possible but no collaboration with Yanukovych regime. Not necessary to hold elections right now but unlimited power of Yanukovych has to be stopped immediately.
If this is not done it will lead to an exacerbation of the situation in the country. If the leaders of opposition do not understand it they have no right to be called politicians.
Abuse of power of Yanukovych has to be stopped immediately!!!

January 29, 2014
5:50 P.M.
Blackmailer Yanukovych
Today Yanukovych presented himself in new role, in the role of blackmaler. During few days he order to arrest 1300 people including the protesters, the demonstrators, members of opposition parties and wanted to exchange them for certain conditions. Today Yanukovych arrived to Ukrainian parliament and talked with the members of the party of Regions behind close doors for 4 hours. After this Yanukovych actually pushed Yanukovych's "law"-blackmail against Maidan, the meaning of which is exchange 1300 political prisoners for certain conditions. What happened today is a mockery of the deputies, the parliament and parliamentarism. Many deputies did not see or read the text of this"law" at all, the adoption of this "law" occured in breach of procedure and under direct pressure from Yanukovych. It is clear that Yanukovych began to use not only the deputies of the party of Region but also the parliament itself for blackmailing against Maidan and the opposition.
It is clear that unlimited power of Yanukovych makes him into more sinister figure whose actions became more and more inpredictable and lead to negative irreversible precess in political life in Ukraine.

February 1, 2014
7:35 P.M.
Historical ties of Ukraine with Russia and what they broght to Ukrainian people
Historical ties of Ukraine with Russia brought to Ukrainian people millions of lost lives, destruction and loss of independence in the end of 18th century and in the beginning of 20th century.
Historical time line on this issue:
1) 1708 - city Baturin, 14,000 people was killed by Moscow
2) 1775 - the destruction of Zaporizzya Sich as the Ukrainian independent state.
3) 1917-1921 Russia's war against Ukraine's independent state
4) 1932-33  Stalin's Moscow regime's crime against Ukrainian people - Holodomor
5) 1937-38, 1939-41 Stalin's Moscow regime's crimes against Ukrainian people
6) 1929-1989  Stalin's Moscow regime's and Moscow regime's crimes against Ukrainian people - Moscow regime's concentration camps Gulag.
So, historical ties of Ukraine with Russia did not bring anything good to Ukrainian people.
And now Russia is trying to block the way of the development of Ukrainian society and Ukraine toward democracy. It is unacceptable.

February 1, 2014
8:20 P.M.
The Ukrainian people are inquiring about the health of the President of Ukraine. If the President of Ukraine is unable to lead the country for the health reason he should inform the Ukrainian people about it right now.
The independent commission has to determining if Yanukovych is able to perform his duties as the President of Ukraine.

February 2, 2014
6:45 P.M.
According to website of the President of Ukraine, Yanukovych recovered and he is going to begin to fulfill his duties on February 3, 2014. If it is true that Ukrainian  Parliament must demand that the president does not leave the country withing a few months because there is the political crisis in the country. Any attempt by Yanukovych to leave Ukraine will be perceived as an attempt to evade responsibility for his actions.

February 3, 2014
9:10 P.M.
Today Yanukovych began openly his war against Ukrainian parliament
Yanukovych plans to dismiss Ukrainian parliament because he fears that the parliament will curtail his unlimited power. For this he needs that the parliament stops working. Yanukovych's puppets Rybak and some of the deputies of the party of Regions are going tomorrow to put to the vote in the parliament a bills which legitimize the further plundering of the country. Of course the opposition will not agree with it and will block the tribune of the parliament. The work of the parliament will be blocked. It benefits Yanukovych because in this case he can dismiss Ukrainian parliament.
Also today Yanukovych's puppets Rybak and some of the deputies of the party of Regions refused to put to the vote in the parliament tomorrow "Constitution Act" which deprives Yanukovych of his unlimited power.
It tells us that Yanukovych is going to do anything to keep his unlimited power.

February 4, 2014
11:25 A.M.
Today Ukrainian parliament did not put to vote "Constitution Act" which deprives Yanukovych's unlimited power.
Also today Yanukovych refused to resolve a problem of political crisis in Ukraine. Yanukovych is just buying time.

February 4, 2014
5:00 P.M.
The last few days have shown that Yanukovych regime and the opposition delay the process of solving the problems and thereby deepen the political crisis in the country and these actions lead to an exacerbation of the conflict between Yanukovych regime and Ukrainian people in revolt. We observed political comedy in the form of Yanukovych's simulation of his illness, view of "political brides"abroad, the empty promises of Yanukovych regime and the opposition, empty talk in the parliament. Maidan is sick of it. Enough!
Further plan of action belongs to Maidan. In each village, town, city, region people has to be ready.

February 5, 2014
Maidan's Order
on February 7, 2014 - The demonstration of Ukrainians in Kyiv and around the globe against Putin's Moscow regime near Russian embassies with slogan "Putin, hands off Ukraine!"

February 5, 2014
Today Yanukovych started again to make interchanges of the officials in the regional power structures of his regime. It became clear that Yanukovych understands only the language of force and financial sanctions. Against this background the negotiations of EU officials with Yanukovych look like political farce. Yanukovych uses EU officials because these negotiations of EU officials with Yanukovych inderectly support illegitimate president and of course Yanukovych is not going to make any concessions. He understands only the language of force and financial sanctions. Political farce of these negotiations evoke a deep aversion of Ukrainian people.
If this week EU will not take financial sanctions against Yanukovych regime's officials and businessmen who support Yanukovych regime , Maidan will consider EU's actions as EU's collaboration with illegitimate Yanukovych regime.

February 5, 2014
Maidan's order
beginning today! The demonstrations of Ukrainians in Kyiv and around the globe near the embassies of the countries of EU with slogans "EU, we demand the sanctions aganst the official of Yanukovych regime!", "Down with the dictatorship of Yanukovych!", "Financial sanctions against businessmen who support Yanukovych regime!", "EU, drow Azarov to answer!"

February 5, 2014
4:50 P.M.
"The advices" from collaborist Stefan Fule
A few facts from history of the country which EU official Fule was born. In result of Munich complot between Europe and Hitler regime Czechoslovakia became the victim of Hitler regime. In 1946 Czechoslovakia became occupational area controlled by Stalin's Moscow regime.  Moscow regime's intervantion of Czechoslovakia in 1968. In result of it Moscow regime formed Moscow occupational regime in Czechoslovakia. Czech Stefan Fule lived and studied in Moscow from 1981 until 1986. In 1986 he graduated from Moscow University of Foreign Affairs.
In 1980s in Czechoslovakia only person who fully supported Moscow occupational regime in Czechoslovakia could live, study in Moscow and graduate from Moscow university.
It shows us that in 1990s Europe did not make fully the lustration of those who were loyal to Moscow occupational regimes in the countries of Eastern Europe and now we have these people in high positions in EU.
Today's "advices" and statements of Fule perceived by Ukrainian people as collaboration of Fule with Yanukovych regime and Putin's Moscow regime because he fully exactly quotes words of Putin's and Yanukovych's political strategists and officials which directed against Ukrainian people and Maidan.


February 5, 2014
Down with propaganda of stalinism!
Putin is going to use Putins's Games for propaganda of stalinism. The people around the globe should condemn the crimes of Stalin and stalinism againt humanity and should condemn propaganda of stalinism.

February 6, 2014
7:35 P.M.
Putin is obsessed with Ukraine
Today Putin's video was put on internet and the meaning of this video that this month in Kyiv two foreign officials discussed on the phone the leaders of Ukrainian opposition and the situation in Ukraine.
It tells us that Putin is desperate and also that he is obsessed with Ukraine. Putin's role in creating this video is obvious and it is also obvious that Putin's task was to produce informational attack against Ukraine and Ukrainian people. But Putin in his blind hatred against Ukraine and Ukrainian people made some big mistake. Actually Putin's video confirmed the presence of Putin's secret service agents on the territory of Ukraine from which we can conclude that not only Yanukovych regime is responsible for killing and tortures of the demonstrators in Ukraine but Putin's Moscow regime also is responsible for this.

February 9, 2014
5:25 P.M.
Unprofessional behavior of Russian diplomat in USA
Mr. Kislyak forgot that he does not have the right to evaluate the actions of the country in which he is on a diplomatic mission. And even more, he has no rights to give his view on the internal affairs of third country.
Most outrageous is that Kislyak is trying to give directive to the country in which he is on a diplomatic mission what to do.
Because Kislyak's remarks touched the interests of Ukraine Ukrainian people demand that Kislyak stops the intervation in internal affairs of Ukraine.
Also Ukrainian people outraged by unprofessional behavior of Russian diplomat Kislyak.

February 10, 2014
3:35 P.M.
The explanations for dummies
Mr. Portnov, Ukrainian people are not interesting in the changes to the constitution of Ukraine right now. On the agenda is quite another matter. The problem is the usurpation of power by Yanukovych.
What should the parliament do?
The parliament of Ukraine must acknowledge that the constitutional court of Ukraine commited a crime under the pressure from Yanukovych and gave Yanukovych the opportunity to usurp power in the country in 2010. The constitutional court had no right to do so. As this decision of the constitutional court of Ukraine was unlawful that the parliament of Ukraine must reverse the decision of the constitutional court of Ukraine of 2010.
In result the country will start to function on the constitution Ukraine of 2004 and the usurpation of power by Yanukovych will be stoped. 

February 11, 2014
12:40 P.M.
Political snake pit of ex-soviet political figures against Maidan
The enemies of Maidan are trying to use ex-soviet political figures against Maidan. These main task as usual is to eliminate Maidan. Two main figures of enemies's political snake pit against Maidan can be Tymoshenko and Kluyev and small snake Yatesenuk. It tell us that someone is trying to stop the development of political life in Ukraine and trying to keep obsolete ex-soviet political figures on the scene of political life of Ukraine. It can be considered as another attack on Maidan.
Maidan be vigilat! In two days Maidan must have a plan how to counteract this.
Remember, that the enemies simply change methods and use different political figures regardless of the color of political parties against Maidan.
The time is coming for new political figures in Ukraine.

February 12, 2014
11:35 A.M.
Political prostitution of EU officials led that Yanukovych regime became completely brazen. Today Yanukovych's puppet court acquitted Yanukovych regime's officials of bloody crockdown on the demonstrators on November 30 2013 and also released from liability those who beat Ukrainian journalist Chornovil. This is clearly a slap at Maidan but also at EU officials. Also today Yanukovych puppet parliament refused to do anything this week for resolving the political crisis.
On this background EU politics toward Yanukovych regime look ridiculous.

February 12, 2014
1:05 P.M.
Today the members of NATO Parliamentary Assembly met with Yanukovych's puppet Rybak. Rybak as a puppet of Yanukovych can not influence anybody's decisions on anything and his any statement is just guff. Until Yanukovych has unlimited power in the country the question of forming of new goverment looks clearly as idiocy. And of course the meeting of the members of NATO Parliamentary Assembly with insignificant political figure such as Rybak makes no sense.


February 13, 2014
Putin's Games melt away in a Subtropical Sochi.

February 14, 2014
1:35 P.M.
Negotiating with Yanukovych regime, the leaders of opposition thereby are playing up to Yanukovych regime in imitation of a process of negotiation. Today Yanukovych regime began again an imitation of a process of negotiations. Pshonka freed the protesters but criminal cases against them were not closed. Yanukovych regime needs this fake negotiations to weaken Maidan. The leaders of opposition must stop to help Yanukovych regime with an imitation of negotiations. On February 16, 2014 Maidan has to discuss another matter but not negotiations with regime right now and needs own plan what to do next week. Maidan needs own plan of actions, but not playing up to Yanukovych regime.
Remember, Yanukovych will never give up voluntarily his unlimited power. Yanukovych with his unlimited power can release the protesters but after some time can arrest them again.
Today release of protesters by Yanukovych regime is only an immitation of process of negotiations.

February 14, 2014
4:15 P.M.
Ukraine has no fear. Yanukovych has fear of Ukrainian people and his fear can break him into pieces.
Ukraine understands the treat that comes not only from Yanukovych but also from Putin.
Any attempt by Putin to settle fear in Ukraine will lead to collapse of Putin's regime.
If someone has any information about upcoming Putin's subversion plans against Ukraine and Ukrainian people he has to say about it right now!
Also the advice for Yanukovych. Yanukovych has to be afraid of Putin but not of Ukrainian people right now.

February 14, 2014
6:05 P.M.
Steinmeier said today in Moscow that "Ukraine's future cannot be built on violance and extremism".
Yesterday Yanukovych regime again commited a crime against Maidan's protesters. On February 13, 2014 near city Zaporizzia Serhiy Seneka was killed. Titushki put on fair his car when he was inside his car. On the background of Yanukovych regime's violance and extremism Steinmeier's statement looks as insult of Ukrainian people.
Also the blood of Serhiy Seneka is now on the hands of Steinmeier.

February 15, 2014
6:50 P.M.
Phenomenon of the dictatorship of mafia clan
A big mistake to examine a current situation in Ukraine without considering the specific points of formation of the current regime of Yanukovych. It is time to call a spade a spade.
In the country established not just the dictatorship of Yanukovych but the dictatorship of mafia clan and it is a big difference. Because of it, we have mafia Donetsk clan by name "the party of Regions" in the parliament and this mafia clan has dictatorship credentials and has full power in the parliament. This mafia clan "the party of Regions" reports directly to Yanukovych mafia family clan. The entire mafia clan led by Yanukovych himself. The members of this mafia clan tied together not only by economic ties but mostly by mafia clan's ties. Mafia clan can be destroyed but when this mafia clan has its dictatorship in the country it is more difficult matter and it does not have analogue in the struggle against mafia clan in the world. Having such power in the country mafia clan can put its members on a high goverment positions across the country. Already now Yanukovych mafia clan has own police Berkut which receives a salary directly from his mafia clan. During 14 years this mafia clan constructed powerful structures and in result established its dictatorship in the country in 2010.
Now Yanukovych mafia clan is using titushki as crimanal elements of society against demonstrators and protesters as methods of intimidation and also as method of  fake presentation of supporters of Yanukovych mafia clan's dictatorship or for other fake presentations.
Based on this facts, we must recognize that known methods of political struggle against the dictatorship in this situation became ineffective. We have to deal with new type of the dictatorship, the dictatorship of mafia clan.
Mafia clan can be destroyed but mafia clan's ties will be remain.
The task of building new plans and new methods of struggle against Yanukovych family mafia clan and Donetsk mafia clan and mafia clan in parliament should be put on the agenda. It is the task for the whole Ukraine's society and not just the task for Maidan.

February 16, 2014
7:00 P.M.
Who are interesting in realesing of the goverment buildings?
Only Yanukovych mafia clan because it needs them for support fake idea that it is OK  that there is the dictatorship of Yanukovych mafia clan in Ukraine. Brainless opposition does not understand this. But those who gave some advices about it understands this very well.
It became clear that the leaders of opposition have no idea about the methods of struggle against the dictatorship of Yanukovych mafia clan. Also they do not have real plans of actions and the plans of the development of the country in the future. The time of political populism has ended.
Everybody is tired of peacetime standing, walking and the posing in front of cameras of the leader of opposition. Maidan warns those who wants to maintain the status quo and wants to preserve the dictatorship of Yanukovych mafia clan in Ukraine. It will not work.

February 18, 2014
8:45 A.M.
Today the police together with titushki killed three protesters in Kyiv. Seven protesters are dying and 100  protesters are injured. Police blocked the way for ambulances and people are dying withot medical help.

February 19, 2014
11:30 P.M.
Appeal to the International sporting community
Today in Sochi the athletes from several countries appealed to IOC with request to honor the memory of the protesters who were killed in Ukraine. Corrupted officials of IOC denied them this.
Ukrainian people appeal to the International sporting community to condemn the action of corrupted officials of IOC.

February 19, 2014
6:45 P.M.
Deutsche Bank helps to money laundering. Putin's and Yanukovych's dirty money are in Deutsche Bank. Yanukovych uses this dirty money to pay titushki for beating and killing of the protesters in Ukraine.
So, frau Merkel, you are a partner of Yanukovych in crimes against Ukrainian people ?


February 20, 2014
1:40 A.M.
Ukrainian artist Valeriy Brezdenuk was killed by police "Berkut" during police's attack on Maidan in Kyiv on February 18, 2014.

Art by Ukrainian artist Valeriy Brezdenuk


February 20, 2014
2:20 P.M.
Ukrainian people appeal to International Intelligence community to provide the information about names or better photos of Russian intelligence officers. It will help to recognize them on the streets of city Kyiv right now.

February 20, 2014
3:45 P.M.
Boycott Putin's Games in Sochi!

February 21, 2014
1:25 P.M.
Olympic medals stained with blood of Maidan
Today Ukrainian athletes received gold medals at Putin's Games in Sochi.

February 21, 2014
6:15 P.M.
Received political respite bloody Yanukovych flew to Kharkiv today. It tells us that Europe's useful idiots extended political life of bloody Yanukovych for another 10 months by shameful agreement between Yanukovych and the opposition. And of course bloody Yanukovych is ready to use this 10 months for attempt to establish his dictatorship in Ukraine again in december 2014.

February 23, 2014
9:45 P.M.
Rather than to find and arrest the perpetrators of crimes aganst Ukrainian people, Avakov shows us the lair of the beast Yanukovych, hangars with his expensive cars, his mistress's home where he spent the nights, travel tours of his empty residence.
It is scandalous. We have the impression that all issues are resolved behind the scenes.
All this causes the feeling of anger and indignation. It is disrespectful to the memory of the fallen.
100 people were killed, 645 people suffered, 425 people are in the hospitals in Kyiv.

February 26, 2014
7:58 P.M.
Compromising documents on Tymoshenko which Tymoshenko's people were looking in Yanukovych's mansions and Pshonka's mension were not found. Of course this search which took place in Yanukovych's mensions and Pshonka's mension was done without the participation of the investigative authorities. As no one of the inner circle of Yanukovych was arrested and nobody was looking for Yanukovych, we can conclude that Yanukovych took with him this compromising documents on Tymoshenko.

February 28, 2014
Paranoid behavior of Russian personnal of Russian Black Sea Fleet in Ukraine.
Yesterday brainwashed by Putin's propaganda 100 Russian personnal people of Russian Black Sea Fleet broked into Airport buildings in Ukraine in city Sevastopol and city Simferopol. They were armed and tried to seize the airports. When employees of Ukrainian airports asked them what they want  they answered that they are looking for "Ukrainian military landing".
What a shame!

March 1, 2014
9:05 A.M.
Because Avakov has not arrested in time criminal official of Yanukovych regime in Kharkiv today we have what we have. Yatsenuk must dismiss Avakov for his unprofessional behavior. Also there is suspicion that Avakov received bribe from this criminal official of Yanukovych regime because this official was not arrested in time. Avakov has to go.

March 1, 2014
11:25 A.M.
Political passivity of Obama in situation in Ukraine will lead that American democrats will lose next Presidential election in USA.

March 1, 2014
7:15 P.M.
Hitler plan of Putin
Putin prepared his plan of the invation of Ukraine for three years. His task was to stop Ukraine's movement to Europe. He was waiting for a right moment to do so. During three years he prepared the way to implement his secret agents in the structure of Ukraine's government, made recruitment of spies in Ukraine, bribes government officials. The same methods he uses in European countries too.
Last year his plan was ready. All his secret agents have been active in Ukraine for three month now. They were active at Maidan and now they started to implement his plan in Crimea and Eastern part of Ukraine. In Crimea we observed masquerade of Putin's people and his secret agents and also Russian military officers dressed in different clothes and played and created picture for views. They were ordered not to answer questions because Ukrainians no matter what languages they speak can instently recognize accent of residence of Russia. Today Putin's people  organized fake demonstrations which support his plan in some cities of Eastern part of Ukraine.
Putin hates European democracy and has a plan for dismember Europe in future. He can use Russians who live in any European country as excuse for invention this country. And in few years he is going to implement his plan in Europe. He has to be stopped.

March 2, 2014
2:45 P.M.
In Ukraine high trison case was open against Putin's spy Denis Berezovsky (contra admiral).
By the way , there is suspicion that the deputy of Ukrainian parliament Yuriy Myroshnychenko is Putin's spy massenger because giving his interview today to Ukrainian journalists in Ukrainian parliament he actually gave  Putin's order to Putin's spy Denis Berezovsky to commit criminal acts against national security of Ukraine.

March 2, 2014
7:20 P.M.
Creating a group with investigation the situation in Ukraine in Crimea under the auspices of OSCI looks like political farce because:
1) After Russia's invention in Ukraine Russia has no right to be a party in any investigation.
2) Russian agressors bloked the way to foreign and Ukrainian journalists for cover the events in Crimea and threatened to kill them if they will cover the events. Only Russian journalists were allowed for cover the events but Russian journalists, who were allowed to do so, are not credible because in few days we observed that Russian journalists were spriding false information about Russia's invention in Ukraine and Russian Putin's press is a part of  Putin's informational war against Ukraine and actually is a part of Russia's war against Ukraine.
3) The creation  a kind of group under auspices of OSCI is Putin's plan to turn Ukraine into gray zone and turn Crimea into second Pridnestrovie (Transnistria). In result importance of Ukraine as the state on world arena may be reduced which is unacceptable.
4) Also Putin's tesk is that to reduce completely importance of Crimea as tourist resort because Crimea, Ukraine  as tourist resort is competitor of Sochi, Russia where Putin spent billions of dollars.
Ukrainian government must to stop this Putin's plans.
Also Ukraine warns others who harber such plans. Don't even think about it.
Also Ukrainian government must inform Ukrainian citizen of Crimea about Putin's plans.

March 3, 2014
5:07 P.M.
Ukraine needs military help from USA, Nato, European countries. Ukraine need your help right now.

March 5, 2014
Putin's interview was contained just lie, twisting of facts, empty talk. His interview was intended for internal audinces because  he undestands that some Russian people are concerned about Putin's actions and they understand that Russia's war against Ukraine will not bring anything good  and also will have effect on the economy of Russia which they have already experienced.
But  of course Putin does not care. He is just buying time, because  at the same time he is moving more and more Russian troops to Crimea and this troops already have nothing to do with Black Sea Fleet.
By the way political shortsightedness of Western politicians will lead to future problems in Balkans. If Putin will occuped Crimea  he will buld in Cremia breadhead for his military operation in the Balkans. And it is very possible.

March 5, 2014
8:25 A.M.
Mr. Shoigu is lying again. His statement that Russian troops which are now near the border of Ukraine will be removed until March 7, 2014 is untrue. There is the information that Putin is planing to start military operation via line Donetsk region, Luhansk region, Kharkiv region and maybe some other on March 8-9, 2014.
Why is that? Because Putin is KGB pathological sadist.
March 9, 2014 - the 200th Anniversary of the birth of Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko.

March 6, 2014
11:05 A.M.
Now the only way to stop Putin is stop buying gas from Russia by European countries for few months. It is time for EU to act decisivly and consolidated.

March 6, 2014
10:55 P.M.
Today at EU summit backstage whispering of the leaders of European countries who trading principles, morals, the fate of millions of people, flirting with monster Putin in exchange for dividends make me sick.
In 1994 Ukraine renounced its nuclear weapons in exchange for a guarantee of Ukraine's territorial integrity. On February 28, 2014 Russia began war against Ukraine.
After that no country can feel safe and this of course will lead to an escalation of nuclear proliferation. So, Ukraine also must regain the status of a nuclear state.
Frau Merkel, you also are personally responsible for Russia's war against Ukraine this year because you personally blocked the way of Ukraine to NATO in 2008.


Putinism is danger to peace.

March 10, 2014
12:50 P.M.
EU's proposal that Russia and USA have to find the ways to stop war which Russia waged against Ukraine through direct negotiations between Russia and USA without the participation of Ukraine is unacceptable.

March 10, 2014
5:00 P.M.
Today Putin opened new war front against Ukraine in Eastern part of Ukraine. This war front has hidden form. He uses the residents of Russia who arrived to Ukraine under the guise of tourists. Yesterday in one city of Eastern Ukraine near the monument of Taras Shevchenko Putin's "tourists" attacked Ukrainian people who were celebrationg the 200th Anniversary of the birth of Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko.
Also during one week Putin's "tourists" arranged fake demonstrations under the enemy's flag, captured Ukrainian government buildings, hanged flag of enemy on the government building of Ukraine, life-threatening Ukrainian government officials.
Today in city Luhansk (Eastern part of Ukraine) armed Putin's "tourists" captured Ukraine's TV station.
We can conclude that today on March 10, 2014 Putin began hidden war against Ukraine in Eastern part of Ukraine.

March 10, 2014
6:25 P.M.
Mr. David Cameron, you have many Russians who live in London. Next time Putin will come with his military forces to Britain, France and other countries of Europe where Russians live to "protect" Russians. Do you undestand this Mr.Cameron, do you?

March 18, 2014
5:25 P.M.
From today any West's promises and commitments to any country should not be taken seriosly and should be ignored. EU's political influence on world arena completely dissappered and also EU's very existence is called into question. Also political influence of USA on world arena comes to an end.

March 18, 2014
11:05 P.M.
Last week Yatsenuk has apponted the Chief of main Ukrainian TV channel ex-official of criminal Yanukovych regime whose activities was not consistent with interest of Ukraine.
Yatsenuk's lack of professionalism in the personnel policy is suprising and can cause dissatisfaction of Ukrainian people.

March 19, 2014
6:30 A.M.
If Turchynov and Tymoshenko will surrender Ukrainian fleet in Crimea to the enemy they will face military tribunal for trison in Ukraine.

March 19, 2014
8:40 A.M.
Turchynov should make decision on further actions of Ukrainian army and fleet in Crimea. If Turchynov is unable to perform his duties, he should resign immediately.

March 19, 2014
12:15 P.M.
Mr. Parubiy, Tymoshenko has no right to be present at the meetings of the National Security and Defense Council. Her illigal presence at such meetings gives Ukrainian people the right to change Mr. Parubiy of divulging state secrets and he will have to answer for it before the law. Mr. Parubiy and other members of the National Security and Defense Council should not have secret meetings with Tymoshenko as well.

March 20, 2014
Ukraine would introduce a visa regime with Russia.
Ukraine also decided to leave CIS.
Ukraine also would seek UN support for turning Crimea into a demilitarized zone.
Ukraine will hold military exercises with US, UK this year.

March 21, 2014
5:25 P.M.
Francois Hollande today said that he is still inviting Putin to events marking the 70th Anniversary of the D-Day landings on June 6, 2014. Also he saud that "Russia" and France share thousands if not millions of dead were victims of WWII.
French president maybe lost his mind because he forgot that 7 millions Ukrainians were killed in WWII and were fighting against Hitler.  My grandfather was commander officer in WWII and finished war in Vienna in 1945.
And I am personnally offended as millions Ukrainians that Mr. Hollande did not invite the representatives from Ukraine to the 70th Anniversary of D-Day.

March 25, 2014
12:15 P.M.
Dictatorship of one party in Ukraine.
Dictatorship of the party Batkyvshchyna is establishing in Ukraine. We observe from yesterday that this party crossed the red line. Dictatorship of this party is trying eliminate its political opponents in the future presidential election.
Interior ministry is turned into a punitive body of dictatorship of this party. The significance of Minister of Defense is completely neutralized. All decisions are made by narrow circle of people from this party and this decisions are contrary to the intersts of the country and Ukrainian people and serve the interests of this party. Opinions of the parties and Ukrainian people who participated in the revolution are ignored. Also the dictatorship of this party bought loyalty of the puppet Tyahnybok's party.
Opposition party the  party of Region lost support of the people and just waiting for presidential election. Some of the members of the party of Regions works for the dictatorship of the patry Batkivshchyna and some works for enemy.
Also the dictatorship of party Batkivshchyna is dangerous for new political parties because in fact this dictatorship of the party Batkivshchyna began to destroy physically its political opponents.
Also this dictatorship wants to use lustration as a tool against any political opponents.
All this are leading that the results of democratic revolution will be destroyed because this dictatorship of one party is trying prevent the arrival of new political parties to politics through repression and killings of new parties's leaders.
Democratic principles will be supplanted by populist decisions and ultimately Ukraine will receive the same dictatorship which was before.

March 26, 2014
12:20 P.M.
Democracy in Ukraine at risk!
Dictatorship of the party Batkivshchyna began to exert direct pressure on the candidates in the presidential election in Ukraine.
Warning to dictatorship of the party Batkivshchyna!
If Vitaliy Klischko will withdraw his candidacy for presidential election that the presidential election would be illegitimate.
Dawn with dictatorship of the party Batkivshchyna!

March 28, 2014
12:35 P.M.
New Zakharchenko - Avakov
Avakov's crimes against Ukrainian people
1) He gave the opportunity to Yanukovych, Pshonka, Zakharchenko, Lukash and others escape from the country.
2) He covers crimes of those who killed people on February 18-21, 2014 on Maidan and he is delaying the investigation on this matter.
3) He is involved in killing and the repression of people who made the revolution possible.
Avakov has to go!
Dictatorship of the party Batkivshchyna also covers crimes of regime of Yanukovych. Some representatives of Yanukovych regime who escaped in February 2014 from the country now returned to Ukraine. Some of them  returned to work in Verkhovna Rada and some of them  registered for presidential election. It is a political farce that Russian spy Tsyariov registred to presidential election.
All of this is danger for democratic development of Ukraine and can destroy the results of the revolution.

March 28, 2014
6:25 P.M.
We all have to understand that Ukraine has to pay right now the highest price for gas in the entire Europe. It has to be stopped.
Ukraine has to file lawsuit in a Stockholm court against Gazprom related to an agreement signed in 2009.
In 2011 several European countries filed lawsuites against Gazprom to beat down Gazprom's prices and later won lawsuites against Gazprom and cut the overall gas price.
All this years criminal Yanukovych regime, despite its declarations about Ukraine's lawsuites, has failed to file lawsuits against Gazprom.
 New Ukraine's goverment must file lawsuit against Gazprom in the Stockholm court emmidiately.

March 30, 2014
2:45 P.M.
Today on Maidan Ukrainian people condemned the activities of the member of the party Batkivshchyna Interior Minister Avakov and demanded from Parliament of Ukraine dismiss Avakov.
Avakov's incompetence and mendacity is not credible and finding this official in power is harmful for Ukrainian society and destabilizes political situation in Ukraine. The investigations of any criminal cases under Avakov's leadership will case distrust to results of this inverstigations. Therefore Avakov should be suspended from his duties immediately.

March 31, 2014
2:30 P.M.
Major political mistakes of the West in the negotiations with Russia
Weakness of the West is that the West does not understand that negotiations with Russia are inexpedient on the basis of a civilized society because Russia is barbarian country and perceives the negotiations as a weakness of the West. As barbarian country Russia thinks that any concessions of the West are an approval of Russia's aggression.
Yesterday Kerry made two big political mistakes. First mistake was that he did not include Crimea in precess of the negotiations. Barbarian Russia thought that it is approval of Russia's aggression and today Putin sent Medveden to Crimea.
Second big mistake of Kerry was that he discussed with Lavrov Ukraine's internal affairs that is inadmissible. Political consequences of such political mistake could lead to collapse of EU and international order. The biggest political mistake of the West that the West does not understand that discussion of internal affairs of any country with Russia conrary to democratic values and undermine the West's position on the world political arena and reinforces distrust to politics of the West in general.
It can lead to collapse of EU in future and loss of the independence of many countries of East Europe.

March 31, 2014
3:40 P.M.
Trying stay in office Internal Minister Avakov commited another crime. Today Avakov's people organized provocation against Ukrainian people on Maidan. This Avakov's crime related to that yeasterday Ukrainian people on Maidan condemned nonprofessional behavior of Avakov and demanded from Ukraine's Parliament to dismiss Avakov. Today Avakov used his armed people against Maidan and was trying to kill Ukrainian people on Maidan.

April 2, 2014
11:10 A.M.
Dictatorship of the party Batkivshchyna decided to restore Soviet fetish on main square of the city Mykolaiv. Political war of regime of the party Batkivshchyna against the results of revolution continues. Politics of this regime shows us again that dictatorship of the party Batkivshchyna does not want change in the country and development of Ukraine.
So, Ukrainian people should not vote for the candidate of the party Batkivshchyna in the presidential election and also withdrow support for the party Batkivshchyna in the parliamentary elections.

April 3, 2014
1:15 P.M.
New political puppet Yuriy Lutsenko is going to create new party which will be actually new puppet party of the patry Batkivshchyna. It is clear that Lutsenko turned to new political clown.

April 12, 2014
1:05 P.M.
Tymoshenko collaborates with enemy. On April 9, 2014 Aksionov was in Kyiv and on April 12, 2014 Russian military groups freely crosssed the border and appeared in city Slaviansk.
This Russian military groups must be destroyed immediately.
Tymoshenko must be arrested.

Aprl 12, 2014
2:05 P.M.
Ukraine must terminate the contract with Gazprom immediately if Gazprom will be involved in any projects in Crimea.

April 13, 2014
2:10 P.M.
18 Russian officers of Russia's Main Intelligence Directorate and Russian spies were arrested in Ukraine. Considering that enemies's actions were derected against Ukraine and Ukrainina people during war time they must be brought to justice and executed.

April 14, 2014
7:20 P.M.
Night telephone conversations between Putin and Obama already look like political farce. Obama has to understand that Ukraine and Ukrainian people will not give up Donbass and he can tell Putin about it.
Putin go to hell!

April 16, 2014
1:58 P.M.
It is clear that Obama and Merkel decided to give Putin Eastern Europe. And soon we will see Putin's military forces in Warsaw, Praga and other capitals of Eastern Europe. But after few years we will see Putin's military forces already in Paris, London, Berlin, Rome and other capitals of Europe. Europe is doomed. What a pity. It is clear that Merkel and Obama do not understand the world politics.

April 16, 2014
5:57 P.M.
500 Russians of Russian military units tried to storm Ukrainian military base in city Mariupol, Ukraine. One Ukrainian officer was seriously wounded . Armed Russian terrorists used granedes during the assault of Ukrainian military base.
On 11:40 P.M. (local time) Ukrainian officers repulsed the attack of Russian terrorists, one Russian terrorist was killed, 12 Russian terrorists were wounded.

April 17, 2014
10:20 A.M.
There are 100 Russian terrorists near Donetsk airport right now.
They are going to storm and capture Donetsk airport today.
3 P.M.
It has not happened.

April 17, 2014
11:35 P.M.
Ukrainian people do not care about conversations in Geneva.
It was bullshit. Lavrov go to hell.

April 18, 2014
12:51 P.M.
Russia and Putin are terrorists and nobody should have negotiations with terrorists.
Those who support or collaborate with Putin's terrorists in Eastern Ukraine should be named terrorist too. They should be arrested. Putin's terrorists (Putin's special military units) has to be destroyed in Ukraine. No negotiations with terrorists!
By the way, Putin's Russia is terrorist state and any foreign company who has any contracts with Putin's terrorist state can be accused in supporting terrorism.

April 20, 2014
11:56 A.M.
The world community has to condemn the newspapers, press and media which disseminate Russia's propaganda. Russia is terrorist state and those who disseminating Russia's propaganda actually supporting terrorism.


April 20, 2014
3:18 P.M.
Next week Gennady Timchenko, a member of terrorist Putin's inner circle who is in on the US sanctions list is going to participate in a roundtable by the Institut de Relations Internationales et Strategiques (IRIS) in Paris , France.
Russia is terrorist state and the country supporting Russia actually supporting terrorism.
French minister of Foreign Affairs remained silent.
So, France is supporting terrorism?

April 22, 2014
5:45 P.M
Today, body of Ukrainian politician was found in a river near city Sloviansk, Ukraine. He was brutally tortured and killed by Russian terrorists in Sloviansk on April 17, 2014 at the same day when Lavrov, Kerry, Eshton and Ukrainian minister had the meeting in Geneva.

April 24, 2014
11:38 A.M.
All countries of Europe have to deport Russians who live in their countries to Russia. The deportation of Russians should begin immediately because Russians which live in any country of Europe are a security treat to any European country. The goventment of any European country is responsible for the security of the country and delay would be regarded as a betrayal of the interests of the country.

Aprik 26, 2014
3:58 P.M.
A death sentence awaits Putin's Russian terrorist of Russia terrorist state Igor Strelkov for commited crimes in Ukraine.

April 27, 2014
10:20 A.M.
Few days ago the representatives of OSCE were kidnapped by Putin's Russian terrorists in city Sloviansk, Ukraine and now they are the hostages  in hands of Russian terrorists.
Today the hostages of Russian terrorists was forced to give "press conference" and of course all what the hostages say can not be taken as truth because Russian terrorists treaten their lives.

April 27, 2014
12:35 P.M.
Brainless possivity of politics of EU and USA that lead to atrocities by Russian terrorists.
Yesterday Ukrainian officers were kiddnapped, tortured and mutilated by Putin's Russian terrorists in city Horlivka, Ukraine. Russia terrorist state's TV station showed tortured Ukrainian officers in captivity.
It is clear that EU and USA actually with their inactions are encouraging Russia's terrorism.

April 29, 2014
3:21 P.M.
Minister of Culture of Italy should resign. While Russia's terrorists hold Europeans as hostages in city Sloviansk, Italy opened today its exhibition in Moscow. What a shame!
Minister of Culture of Italy is supporting Russia's terrorism?

April 29, 2014
9:25 P.M.
80% of population of Ukraine think that Tymoshenko should withdraw her candidacy from the presidential election in Ukraine.


May 4, 2014
2:37 P.M.
French company DCNS is delivering Mistral to Russia and supporting fascism and terrorism of Russia. This month 400 Russian terrorists is going to France where they will be trained by company DCNS  how to use Mistral to kill Europeans during Russia's war against Europe.


May 4, 2014
7:18 P.M.
Denmark's political prostitution
Russia terrorist and neo-fascist state's singers will attend Eurovision 2014 in Denmark. What a shame!

May 7, 2014
OSCE chief Burkhalter as background for Putin's lie.
It is strange that Burkhalter does not undestand that he looked funny in Moscow because Putin just used him for usual Russia's neo-fascist propaganda. Specialy Burkhalter was looked funny because nobody gaved him the right to discuss Ukraine's foreign or internal affairs with Putin.
It is pity that Burkhalter looked in Moscow as useful idiot.


May 8, 2014
4:08 P.M.
New Hitler Putin was invited by French president to attend the D-Day on June 6, 2014 in France. Poor judgement and lack of political experience of French president have played trick on him.
Without realizing it, president of France looks like puppet of Kreml because Kreml will use Putin's trip to France as approval of Russia's terrorism, neo-fascism and aggression.
Specialy this invitation to Putin looks outrageously on background of Russia's neo-fascist parade with Russia's terrorist army headed by terrorist Putin in Sevastopol on May 9, 2014.

May 8, 2014
4:30 P.M.
Ordenary stalinism-fascism of Russia
Ex-KGB officer Putin ordered to pay lifetime pension to criminal KGB officers who commited crimes aganst Europeans.



May 9, 2014
Neo-fascist Putin in Sevastopol on May 9, 2014


Russia neo-fascist state and its propaganda machine.


June 9, 2014
city Snizhne, Ukraine
On June 8, 2014, 400 Russia's terrorists broked through the border and entered the city Snizhne, Donetsk region.
Russia's terrorists is going to form in city Snizhne new Russian terrorists's base and now they started to digg trences in the city.
Anti-terrorist operation against Russia's terrorists should be continued.
 Naturally Putin does not understand the language of civilized society.
So, talk with Putin is just waste of time.

June 14, 2014
Luhansk, Ukraine
Europe's toothless politics toward fascist Russia state has led to that on June 12, 2014 fascist Putin became completely brozen and moved Russia's tanks, heavy weapons and rocket launchers to Ukraine in support Russia's terrorists. In result of this, today Ukraine's military transport plane was shot down by Russian rocket which was used by Russia's terrorists in city Luhansk killing 49 Ukrainian service personnal on board.
This is result of Europe's toothless politics toward Russia.


June 15, 2014


June 29, 2014
Putin's political farce is continues
On June 29, 2014 there were phone talks between Merkel, Poroshenko, Hollande and Putin.
It is clear that Putin is not going to do anything to stop Russia's terrorists and  take Russia's terrorists back to Russia. In this case, protracting of the situation does not bring almost any results. During last week Ukraine lost dozens killed by Russia's terrorists. There are continuing attacks on Ukraine's border and as a result three crossing points of Ukraine's border were cuptured by Russia's terrorists. Today 5 Ukrainian officers were killed by Russia's terrorists.
Merkel and Hollande have to understand that Putin is just buying time and does nothing to stop Russia's terrorists.
On the contrary, Putin orders to kill Russia's terrorists who want to stop fighting in Ukraine and want to return to Russia.
Only few days ago Russian border guards killed Russia's terrorists who want to stop fighting in Ukraine and  want to return to Russia and Russian terrorists were killed by Russian border guards when they were crossing Russian border towards to Russia. At the same time Russia's terrorists are crossing Russian border towards Ukraine freely.
Also Putin is increasing amount of Russia military forces near Ukraine's border.
Therefore Putin's request to Poroshenko for extension of the armistice looks like a political farce.


Ridiculous political flirting in the hallway of  a hotel

July 14, 2014
Today Ukrainian transport aircraft was shot down by Russia.
On July 10-11, 2014 Russian tanks of new modification T-72 with Russian military personal invaded Ukraine. Ukrainian town on Ukrainian border was shelled from Russian territory and in the result of this Ukrainian town was almost completely destroyed and 30 Ukrainians were killed by Russian heavy artillery.
Against this background yesterday meeting between Merkel and Putin in the hotel lobby in Brazil and today Merkel's statement look outrageous. Merkel's proposal about direct talk with Russian terrorists is absolute nonsense because they are only Russia's mercenaries and Russian military officers. Russia is in a war with Ukraine and it is a fact.
Further Merkel's political flirting with Putin is unacceptable.
Also EU have to condemn Russia's increasing agression against Ukraine and actually Russia's undeclared war against Ukraine and EU  has to do it immediately.


July 15, 2014
This morning Russia's aircraft dropped bombs on Ukrainian city Snizhne. In result of this 11 Ukrainians were killed.


July 17, 2014
On July 17, 2014 passenger flight MH17 was shot down by Putin's missile. 295 passengers from 9 countries were killed.  


July 19, 2014
Russia is trying to cover up its crime
On July 18, 2014, 25 members of OSCE team's access to the site of  the crash of the flight MH17, which was shout down by Putin's missile, had been limited by Russian terrorists dispite assurence from Russian terrorists that the observers of  OSCE would be allowed in the site of the crash.
The member of the OSCE team said that a visibly intoxicated Russian terrorist fired his rifle in the air when one of the observers walked out of the prescribed by Russian terrorists area.The OBSE team could not continue to investigate the site of the crash.
At night on July 18, 2014 Russian terrorists moved 38 bodies from the site of the crash.
There are now 900 Russian terrorists in the site of the crash.
It is clear that Russian terrorists received order from Moscow to destroy the evidences of their crime. They not only moved 38 bodied from the site of the crash yesterday but today on July 19, 2014 they broght the heavy equipment and the heavy trucks to the site of the crash to remove the wreckage of the plane and they are going to move the wreckage of the plane to Russia.


July 20, 2014
Beginning July 18, 2014 Russia started covering up its crime.
On July 18, 2014, in the morning, Russian military officers together with Russian terrorists moved  Russian missile launcher, which shot down the plane MH17, back to Russia. It is clear that for today Russian missile launching system, which shot down the plane MH17, was destroyed by Russia as the evidence of Russia's crime.
On July 18, 2014 at 5:53 P.M. a Russian military intelligence officer called Russian terrorists and gave them the order from Moscow to find the black boxes of the plane MH17 and deliver them to Moscow . Also Russian  terrorists received order from Moscow to move the bodies of passengers of the plane MH17 to Donetsk. At night 38 bodies were moved to Donetsk by Russian terrorists.
From July 18 until July 20, 2014, Russia's military doctors of Russian military division were doing something with 38 bodies of passengers in Donetsk. It is possible that they were trying to destroy the evidence and remove from the bodies small particles of  material of wreckage of the missile. Yesterday at night those bodies were moved to city Torez and together with other bodies from the crash site were moved in sealed bags to carriages of old train.  No one knows how many bodies were inside those bags and no one knows what happened with other bodies of passengers during this few days.
Yesterday at night one of the Russian terrorists  fled from Donets to Luhansk with some material evidence which he took from crash site. Today he and 20 Russian tanks with Russian military personal left Luhansk and now are moving to Russian border.  It is clear that if black boxes were moved to Russia and if they have been in the hands of Russia, they are no longer the evidence for the investigation of the crime scene.
Also, yesterday at night after receiving order from Moscow Russian terrorists moved some wreckage of the plane MH17 from crash site. No one knows where is this wreckage right now.
It is clear that Russia continues to covering up its crime and doing this brazenly and aggressivly.


July 21, 2014
There was information that today in the morning the remains of 282 passengers of Flight MH 17 will be moved by train from town Toroz to city Kharkiv, where they will be handed over to represantatives from the Netherlands. But only at 8:50 P.M. the train left Toroz, because whole day a train was not allowed to leave by Russian terrorists.
According to Prime Minister of Netherlands, later on the remains of the passengers will be flown to Amsterdam on board of Datch airplane.
There is information that Malaysia recovery team received today at night black boxes from Russian terrorists. It is clear that after black boxes have been in the hands of Russians for 4 days, those black boxes are no longer a material evidence for invastigation.

August 15, 2014
70 Russians military vehicles with Russian soldiers cross Ukraine's border and invaded Ukraine on August 14 - 15, 2014.
On this background Ukraine should not allow to Putin's aid convoy to enter Ukraine because after 70 Russian military vehicles with Russian soldiers invated Ukraine on Aufust 14-15, 2014, Russia does not have any right to propose aid to Ukraine.
Russia is terrorist state which violated the international law and it is time for Europe makes its decision to proclaim Russia as terrorist state.

August 16, 2014
6:50 P.M.
It became clear that the West again is trying to sell democratic values in exchange for empty promises and make concessions to Putin terrorist.
It is clear that Putin wants to use Putin's aid convoy to take Russian terrorists ( including Russian secret service officers, Russian intelligance officers, Russian soldiers) out of Ukraine in exchange for empty negotiations and meaningless meetings. This is old tactic of bloody Moscow regime which uses the West as useful idiots. In this case Putin saves his Russian terrorists from deserved punishment and the other hand he pretends to be a peacemaker. Moscow regime's promises do not mean anything.
As experience shows that Moscow regime uses any negotiations and meetings only for delaing time and for rearrangement of its internal forces.
But there are serious political losses for the West since in this case the West looks like immoral fool who sells democratic values  in exchange for empty promises. The West does not understand that impunity of Russian terrorists will lead to Moscow regime's permissiveness. Moscow regime will decide to continue to manipulate the West, trample on democratic values and spit in the West's face.
In the result of this deal between the West and Russia terrorist state the world community will loose the respect for the West's leaders and will not take seriously the West leaders's opinions.

August 22, 2014
6:18 P.M.
More 100 Russian military trucks used by Moscow regime as "aid convoy" crossed Ukraine's border without Ukraine's permission, without an Red Cross escort, and most without customs clearance. This Putin's trucks, Putin's smuggling convoy is not a humanitarian mission.
Today Moscow regime used Putin's smuggling convoy for breaking into Ukraine following Russian army units of 76th Airborne division. Moscow regime again violated international law and invated Ukraine.
Russia has to be exclude from international organizations for violation of international law.

August 28, 2014
7:41 A.M.
Barbaric Moscow regime began war against Europe today.
In March 2014 Russia fascist state began war against Ukraine. Russian fascist forces occupied Crimea. In April-August Russia continued war against Ukraine by using Russian terrorists in Donetsk and Luhansk region and giving them heavy artillery and tanks. 4,000 Russian terrorists were killed during this period in Donbas. In August Moscow fascist regime began using regular Russian military units in Russia's war against Ukraine.
In August 2014 Russian army lost 1,500 Russian soldiers, 900 Russian soldiers of 76th Airborne devision and 400 Russian soldiers of other divisions. Few days ago 10 Russian soldiers were captured by Ukrainian army on Ukraine's territory.
Today Russian forces invaded Ukraine and occupied Ukrainian city Novoazovsk. Russian fascist forces order the population of Ukrainian city Novoazovsk not to leave the city and many people were captured by Russian fascist soldiers and were taken away to unknown location.
Europe has to wake up because war of Russia barbaric state against Europe has just begun.

September 1, 2014
9:30 A.M.
Today Russian forces of Moscow fascist regime occupied Donetsk, Ukraine.
Toothless politics of Europe will lead to that we soon will see Russian forces of Moscow fascist regime in Narva and other cities of Europe.

September 3, 2014
 Moscow fascist regime openly mocks West again because today Moscow regime continues to lie while Russian forces of Moscow fascist regime continue to approach Ukrainian city Mariupol.
It also became known that Moscow fascist regime like Hitler nazi regime began to steal Ukraine's coal from Luhansk's mines. Already 15 thousand tons of Ukraine's coal have been stolen by Moscow fascist regime for today.
Moscow regime is pathological lier and lies not only the world public but also its own people. Today Moscow regime again lied that Russia was not a party of the conflict despite that Russian army already lost 2,000 Russian soldiers in August during Russia's war against Ukraine. In Russian cities Rostov and Peterburg morgues are complitely filled with dead bodies of Russian soldiers and hospitals are filled with woonded Russian soldiers. Many corpses of Russians soldiers were buried in secret in Donbas in unmarked graves. Russian people are still do not know where many remains of Russian soldiers right now.
And Moscow fascist regime just continues to lie and mock West every days.

September 20, 2014
4:05 P.M.
Political fiasco of Merkel and EU.
After the implemintation of the agreement between EU and Ukraine was delayed until December 31, 2015, EU lost its role as an independent player on the world stage. In fact, EU was not able to independetly resolve issuses concerning its own project and changed own desission under the pressure from Moscow regime. It is political fiasco of EU.
Merkel's political fiasco looks even more depressing. Trying to delay the beggining of Russia's war again Europe, Merkel resorts to the old political tricks that not work and which can be compared with Europe's political prostitution of 1938.
But as history shows that all those political tricks do not help. First, Europe was occupied by Hitler forces and later the part of Europe was occupied by Stalin forces. Now we see the situation is even worse.
When the boots of  Russian barbarians set foot on the pavement of the streets of Berlin we will see the response of Germans to Merkel's current policy but it will be too late.
By the way  it became known that Moscow regime lost 10,000 Russian soldiers from April to September 2014 during Russia's war against Ukraine and because of this Moscow regime took pouse. But also Moscow regime took pouse because the sanctions from the West.
So, the West should  understand the danger of Moscow regime's policy toward Europe and make new own strategy to oppose to Moscow regime's plans.

November 2, 2014
On November 1, 2014 a column of Russian military tracks and Grad multiple-rocket launchers entered city Donetsk.
Russia continues war against Ukraine. Russia started war against Ukraine in February 2014.
Moscow regime and its puppet Russian pig Putin have to be stopped.
By the way, Moscow regime lost 10,000 Russian soldiers during May-September 2014 and 1,000 Russian soldiers during October 2014.


Russian gangs's "election" in Donetsk on November 2, 2014.


November 8, 2014
Today, on November 8, 2014 Moscow regime moved more Russian forces to Donetsk and  Makiivka, Ukraine.


December 1, 2014


December 2, 2014
Today Ukraine's Parliament approved the formation of new government of Ukraine.


December 4, 2014
A puppet of Moscow regime "Putin"
Characteristic of "Putin" today's speech: a public bravado, aggressiveness, lie mixed with Moscow regime's mythology, Moscow regime's detachment from reality in foreign as well in domestic policy.


February 12, 2015
Hollande, Merkel and Putin